TL’s are expected to be on time to open the Google Meet to let agents in.
TL’s are expected to complete the introduction and review the Agent Expectations with agents.
The TL are required to take roll call and document the attendance in the ESP Tracker.
The TL will stay logged into the Google Meet and ensure the room stays quiet during testing.
The TL will create a new Google Meet for the agents to go to when the agents need assistance.
The TL will create a new Google Meet room for the agents to complete the Call Certifications.
The TL is required to give feedback during the coaching session after each Call Role Play, on ways to improve, only going over what they did correct and how to improve. Limited to 15 minutes.
TL’s will ensure the agents are staying on track and checking the progress of the agent.
TL’s are required to submit all completed certification as proof to the ESP Tracker form.
TL’s must hold the agents accountable according to the Agent Expectation Timeframe.TL’s must give proper direction for technical issues:
o AHIP or Aetna issues – direct agents to clear cache and cookies and refresh. If this doesn’t work, the agent needs to contact AHIP or Aetna for assistance and provide the TL with an update immediately following the conversation.
o CXP equipment issues – contact CXP IT one CXP computer at or from a personal device at
o TBT Issues – direct agents to clear cache and cookies and refresh
TL’s must hold the agents accountable according to the Agent Expectation Timeframe.
TL’s must complete Verbal, Written, and Final CAP’s according to the Attendance Policy.
If there is an issue with an agent, the TL must inform their PM immediately of the situation.`
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