Number of Attempts: 3
Time Limit: 16 hours
Failure to complete within 16 hours may result in a Verbal Coaching.
Failure to complete within 20 hours may result in a Written CAP.
Failure to complete within 24 hours may result in a Final CAP.
Failure to complete within 28 hours may result in Termination of Employment.
All necessary information should be pre-populated on the following page. Verify all information is entered correctly.
First and Last Name exactly as it appears on your license.
Company Name must be: Connexion Point, LLC
Job Title must be: Licensed Agent
Phone Number must be: 8019130245
Use your Aetna Email. DO NOT use your personal email.
Mailing address must be the site for your state, NOT your personal address.
Utah: 9490 S 300 W Ste 400, Sandy, UT 84070
Texas: 5750 Northwest Parkway Ste 400, San Antonio, TX 78249
Tennessee: 1769 Paragon Place, Memphis, TN 38132
Florida: 13621 NW 12th St STE 200, Sunrise, FL 33323
Select “Update Profile” to continue
You have now navigated to the AHIP site.
Verify your personal information again.
Use your Aetna Email. DO NOT use your personal email.
Scroll up on this guide for a reminder of what information to enter in the other fields.
If you are not sure what your NPN number is, click “Find My NPN”
Scroll down to “Site Usage Agreements” and make the attestations. Click “Update Profile” to continue
Save the Word Document to your Cert Completion Proofs folder so that you may locate it in the future if needed.
The naming convention should be as follows: [Last Name_First Name_AHIP]
Follow the steps in the dropdown below to save to your Cert Completion Proofs folder