It is crucial to pass exams. Failed attempt results in increased cert time which may result in failure to meet time limit expectations. Below are the accountability measures for failed exams:
1st Fail: Verbal Coaching
2nd Fail: If you live within the vicinity of an office, you will be required to drive to the office to be proctored for the 3rd and final attempt. Remote agents will be proctored via online meetings. This is true for all carriers except UHC, which allows for 6 attempts.
3rd Fail: Failing any cert (other than UHC) 3 times will result in a Written CAP and more importantly, will prevent you from being appointed with the carrier which creates a significant Conversion disadvantage (for Assurance agents). Agents with the Aetna or Anthem campaign will have to change campaigns, at the very least, but this may result in separation of employment from cXp.
3 failed attempts will result in a Written CAP.
4 failed attempts will result in a Final CAP.
5 failed attempts may result in termination of employment.
6 failed attempts will prevent you from being appointed with the carrier and may result in termination of employment.