Time Limit: 16 hours
Number of Attempts: 3
Failure to complete within 16 hours may result in a Verbal Coaching.
Failure to complete within 20 hours may result in a Written CAP.
Failure to complete within 24 hours may result in a Final CAP.
Failure to complete within 28 hours may result in Termination of Employment.
Time Limit: 4 Hours
Number of Attempts: 3
Failure to complete within 4 hours may result in a Verbal Coaching.
Failure to complete within 8 hours may result in a Written CAP.
Failure to complete within 12 hours may result in a Final CAP.
Failure to complete within 16 hours may result in Termination of Employment.
Important: If an agent encounters legitimate issues which slow down completion times, the agent is responsible to document via screenshots and emails to ensure CAPs are not delivered that are not warranted.