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 MAPD Help Desk: October 2021 Submission Phase IV Version 0 MAO-004 Report Distributed

CMS distributed the October 2021 Submission Phase IV Version 0 MAO-004 Reports to Medicare Advantage (MA) Plans on 11/12/2021. Please look to your respective EFT mailboxes or the MARx User Interface for your specific MA contract reports. If you have any issues retrieving these reports, please contact the CMS Risk Adjustment Operations mailbox (RiskAdjustmentOperations@cms.hhs.gov) or the MAPD Help Desk at 1-800-927-8069 or MAPDhelp@cms.hhs.gov for assistance.

Visit the MAPD Help Desk Website to find useful information about the MAPD Program, including FAQs, System Announcements, User Guide, and Plan Connectivity Instructions.

Please call or email the MAPD Help Desk with any questions or concerns.

Website: http://go.cms.gov/mapdhelpdesk   1-800-927-8069 Email: MAPDHelp@cms.hhs.gov


MAPD Help Desk hours of operation are Monday-Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. ET.

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