Failed Cert Exams - Assurance

Failed Cert Exams - Assurance

Failed exams increase cert time which may result in failure to meet time limits and may even result in separation of employment if there are too many failed attempts. Some exams are “practice” exams (ie, it doesn’t matter if the agent fails the exam because it has no bearing on whether the agent will be able to sell for the carrier).

These procedures only apply when an agent fails exams that have limited attempts and may cause the agent to lose their appointment.


For any Failed Attempt:

  • The agent should immediately notify the Workshop Lead that an attempt was failed and how many times this exam has been failed (ie first, second or third fail).

  • The Workshop Lead should immediately complete the Failed Cert Exam Tracking Form and follow the steps outlined in the form.

First Failed Attempt:

  • The Workshop Lead is responsible for coaching the agent.

  • Once coached, the agent may proceed with the second attempt.

Second Failed Attempt:

  • Agents will be proctored by their sup for the third and final attempt.

  • The agent’s sup should deliver a Written CAP within 24 hours (or 1 work-day) for failing a second attempt. In the CAP it should be documented that the agent understands failing the third attempt may result in termination of employment.

Third Failed Attempt:

  • Failing a cert exam three times will result in their inability to sell for the carrier this year and may result in termination of employment.

  • The Workshop Lead should notify management and HR of the situation.