AHIP & Carrier Product Modules

AHIP & Carrier Product Modules

Assisting Agents

  • Watch the Workforce Tool to ensure no agents are taking calls who should be working on certs.

  • Also watch the Workforce Tool to ensure agents in the Workshop are in Training status and toggle back if kicked Offline.

  • Remain available to assist agents as needed.

  • Utilize the cert step-by-step guides to assist as needed.


Tech Troubleshooting

Utilize the Troubleshooting guide for tech issues.

  • Utilize the IT chat if unable to troubleshoot


Carrier/Website/Licensure Issues

If an agent is stuck due to issues related to the carrier, the website or their licensure, email the Licensing Team: slc.licensing@connexionpoint.com

  • Keep track of these issues and follow up on a regular basis until resolved.


Tracking Completions

For each completion proof, verify it is captured correctly as shown in the screenshot of the carrier’s step-by-step guide.

  • Complete This Form and attach the screenshot.

  • The Form will populate in This Sheet.

  • Copy the URL of the completion screenshot and toggle to the Agent Roster tab of the same sheet:


  • Paste the URL in the appropriate cell for the agent and the cert. For example, if Megan were pasting her URL for AHIP completion, she’d paste to the cell in the screenshot below:



Time Tracking and Accountability

We will manage time tracking by:

  • Verifying agents complete within their allocated time

  • Monitoring time spent in the “Training” status

  • Utilizing Microsoft Teams attendance tracking

Agents should receive coachings/CAPs as appropriate for failure to complete in allocated times.


Failed Exams

Agents should self-report to sups for each failed exam and should receive coachings/CAPs as outlined below:

First Fail

Documented Coaching (ADP Note)

First Fail

Documented Coaching (ADP Note)

Second Fail

Final CAP

Third Fail



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