Aetna Certification Step-by-Step Guide - ESP

Aetna Certification Step-by-Step Guide - ESP

Time Limit: 4 Hours

  1. Failure to complete on time - Verbal Coaching with another 4 hours allocated.

  2. Failure to complete on time - Written CAP with another 4 hours allocated.

  3. Failure to complete on time - Final CAP with another 4 hours allocated.

  4. Failure to complete on time - Term


  • Log into Aetna Producer World by Opening this Link in a New Tab.


  • On the top banner, click “Individual Medicare”


  • Select “Requirements to Sell” from the middle banner


  • Scroll down the page until you see “Step 1: Complete annual certification”



  • You will then be redirected to the following page to login:


  • After logging in, click “2022 Aetna Individual Medicare Certification”


If there are no courses listed under “My Certifications”, click the “Find My Training” button

  • Verify there is a green check mark for “AHIP Medicare Training” and then click “2022 Individual Core Medicare Requirements”

  • If you completed AHIP earlier today, the green checkmark may be pending an update. Try refreshing the page and logging out and back in to the portal which often resolves the issue

    • If this does not resolve the issue, try calling the broker portal: 866 714-9301 for assistance. If you have to wait on hold, continue refreshing and logging out/in.


  • Review the video training, verify a green checkmark shows for “2022 Individual Core Medicare Requirements” then proceed to the “2022 Individual Core Certification - Mastery Test”


  • After the mastery test has been completed, a green check mark will appear in the box. The attestations will then become available. Click “2022 Aetna Individual Medicare Attestations”


  • Step 1: Select “I am a Licensed Only Agent (LOA). I understand my Upline may perform additional oversight activities to ensure my compliance with these requirements.” (option 2)

  • Step 2: Enter your first and last name as it appears on your license.

  • Step 3: Enter the current date using the month/day/year format (ie. 7/9/2021)

  • Step 4: Enter your NPN number

  • Step 5: Click “Submit Attestation”


  • Once completed, you will be prompted to complete the “Market Specific Training Attestation”


  • Complete the attestations and click “Submit”


  • Once completed, you should verify the green checkmark and begin with “Third-Party Website Usage Attestation”


  • Question 1: Do you currently use any beneficiary-facing websites to help you or your clients promote or sell Medicare products (MA, MAPD, and PDP)? Select “No”

  • Question 2: Are any of these websites used to promote, advertise, generate leads or make enrollments into Aetna Medicare Advantage or Prescription Drug plans? Select “No”

  • Skip questions 3-7 Leave these boxes blank

  • Question 8: Did you submit a formal request to Aetna to use our logo(s)? Select “No answer”

  • Click “Submit” for completion


  • Verify all attestations have been completed, then click “Return to Main Training”


  • Come back to main training screen, verify green check mark for attestations and click “2022 Aetna Individual Prescription Drug Plans (PDP)”


  • Begin by clicking “2022 Individual Prescription Drug Plans”


  • After reviewing the video training, click “next step”. Verify a green checkmark shows and click “2022 Individual Prescription Drug Plans - Mastery Test” (Sometimes this needs to be clicked more than once).


The remaining steps are under construction. If you reach this point then please continue navigating through the Aetna portal on your own until you are able to pull up a cert completion proof like the one below.


  • Capture a screenshot of your completion proof which should look like the one below including 13 items for non-group agents.

  • Paste it to a Word Document.

  • Follow the steps in the dropdown below if you have not yet created a folder to store your cert proofs.

  1. Open Windows Explorer (the folder icon circled in red below)

  2. Right-Click “Documents”

  3. Select “New”

  4. Select “Folder”

  5. Name the folder “Cert Completion Proofs”.

  6. Open your Documents folder in Windows Explorer

  7. Right-Click the “Cert Completion Proofs” folder

  8. Select “Pin to Quick access”

  9. You now have a folder designated to store your cert completion proofs located in your “Documents” folder of Windows Explorer and easily accessed through your “Quick Access” folder:


  • Save the Word Document to your Cert Completion Proofs folder so that you may locate it in the future if needed.

  • Follow the steps in the dropdown below to save to your Cert Completion Proofs folder

  1. Select “File”

  2. Select “Save As”

  3. Select “Browse”

  4. Scroll to the top to find the “Quick Access” folder

  5. Select the “Cert Completion Proof” folder which is a subfolder under the Quick Access folder

  6. Name the Cert Proof according to the cert which has been completed

  7. Select “Save”


  • Email your proof to the Workshop Lead and cc your TL. The Workshop Lead will upload your certificate into a Cert Completion Tracker used to track which agents have completed which certs.

  • Keep track of the cert proof emails you send just in case anyone loses track of your proof to ensure you can prove that you followed the correct process. To do this, follow the steps in the dropdown below

  1. Go to Outlook and right-click “Folders”

  2. Select “Create new folder”

  3. Label your new folder “Cert Proof Emails”

  4. You should now see your Cert Proof Emails folder under the “Folders” dropdown of Outlook

  5. Select Sent Items

  6. Right-click the cert completion email that you need to keep track of

  7. Select “Copy”

  8. Select the “Cert Proof Emails” folder (you may need to search for it by selecting “Copy to a different folder” if it does not populate right away)



  9. Now when you select your Cert Proof Emails folder in Outlook, you should see that the Cert Proof email has been copied to this folder for future reference.

Congratulations, you have finished Aetna!

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