IT Assistance
This page is under construction. As of 12/21/21, system updates are expected to take place which will impact these procedures
First try these basics troubleshooting steps
Use Chrome first
Try Firefox next followed by IE
Refresh web browsers
Limit extra internet and app usage as much as possible - Do not stream music or videos.
If the above fails, contact IT
Agents with cXp-issued devices should use the cXp Tech Chat: This may be accessed via the Tech Help icon or by typing it into the web browser.
Agents unable to use a cXp-issued device should use IT’s External Chat: This may be used for on any device that has internet access (WiFi and smart phones will work).
Agent Helpline
Shipping Equipment
The logistics report goes out daily to all TLs and PMs.
Agents may ask TLs and PMs to reference the logistics report to verify their shipping number and ETA.
If an agent is missing from the logistics report, contact IT
The ESP tracker should be checked/updated regularly
If all of the above fails, reach out to your direct leadership for assistance.
Equipment Issues
For damaged/missing equipment, follow the process outlined in the video linked below.
Important - Contact IT first before submitting any tickets