Call Certifications

Call Certifications

The purpose of Call Certs is to prepare agents for live calls and to ensure agents demonstrate a reasonable level of competency needed to perform the role.

  • The agent will be paired with a Certifier who will play the role of a customer and will grade the call.

  • The call will be handled through a Go To Training Break Out Room set up by the Certifier.

  • The agent should share their screen which will allow the Certifier a more clear understanding of the agent’s performance and allow them to grade more accurately and coach more effectively after the call.

  • The Call Certification process consists of five total calls; Three PDP calls and two MAPD calls.

  • During the first call, the Certifier will provide real-time coaching. This call will automatically receive a score of 100. Agents should take advantage of the opportunity to practice and ask questions to be prepared for the remaining four calls.

  • During the remaining calls, the Certifier will not provide real-time coaching and instead, will only roleplay as the customer while taking notes and scoring the call.

  • The Certifier should coach the agent after each call on what they did well, what they were marked down for, and anything that will help prepare the agent to be successful in their role.

  • The Certifier will use the Aetna Excel QA Scorecard (below) to grade the calls and is expected to be fair and consistent.

  • Agents may review the Scorecard (above) and the QA Definitions Guide (below) to see how the calls are scored to better prepare.



  • The QA Scorecard scores will be shared with agents after the call so they can see how they were graded.

  • The agent must receive a score of at least 85% to pass the call.

  • Agents should be aware that when taking calls after ESP training that a score of 95% is needed to pass QA audits.

  • The agent must pass four out of the five calls. Failure to meet this expectations may result in termination of employment.

  • Certifiers should provide at least some positive feedback to avoid scenarios of providing only negative feedback. 

  • After call certification process is complete, the agent should return to the main Go To Training and continue working on TBTs or await instructions on what to do next if TBTs are complete.

How to Login to Training Contact Center

Agents must follow the steps in the dropdown below to access the call script in the Training Contact Center

  1. Click the “cXp” folder in your bookmarks and select “Training Contact Center”


  2. Login using the following credentials:
    Username: [your cxp#]
    Password: training


  3. On the following screen, make sure the Outbound dropdown states “Don’t Login Outbound.” Also, make sure the “Inbound” checkmark is checked. Select “Login”

  4. Select “Initiate Connection”

  5. Select “Nailup”


  6. Zoiper should now populate. Select “Answer”

  7. Select “Initiate Agent”


  8. Select “Click here to start calling”

  9. It should now say “You are now waiting for a connection”

  10. Pull Zoiper back up and select “Dialpad”


  11. Enter the following two phone number into the Dialpad and select “Call”
    844 111 0021

  12. This will populate the call script:

  13. You will now hear hold music. Click the little mute button in the bottom-left corner of Zoiper to mute the music.


  14. Click the “Greeting” tab to skip to the greeting section of the call script.


How to Login to CNRX

Agents must follow the steps in the dropdown below in order to login to CNRX


  1. Click the Training CNRX Link and login with the following credentials:
    Username: aetnaclient
    Password: 23aetnaclient

    Important: If you have issues with the Training CNRX Link, utilize the Live CNRX Link using “calltest” for both the username and password.


  2. Login the next screen with the following credentials:
    Username: calltest
    Password: calltest


  3. Click “New Profile” and select “New beneficiary”


Important note regarding CNRX Access - After agents complete ESP and transition to production, they usually transition first to the unlicensed queue. Please be aware that you will not have access to CNRX during this time. CNRX access is activated upon transitioning to the licensed queue once you become RTS.


Technical Issues - Troubleshooting

  • If you cannot login to CTI or if you receive the “20 error” on Zoiper, reboot your computer.

  • If there is ‘yes/no’ dropdown that is not displaying options, disposition the call, log out of CTI and log back in.

  • If the CTI screen freezes, you must do a hard restart on your computer.

  • If you have issues with the Training CNRX Link, utilize the Live CNRX Link using “calltest” for both the username and password.

Do Not submit an application in the Live CNRX environment

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