Call Cert Team Expectations

Call Cert Team Expectations

The Call Cert Team will consist of about 10 agents and will be lead by the Cert Coordinator. This team will complete Call Certifications for ESP agents. The purpose of these calls is to prepare agents for live calls and to ensure agents demonstrate a reasonable level of competency needed to perform the role.

Timeframe Expectations

  • Call Certs should take no longer than 4 hours to complete once a Certifier has connected with an agent.

  • While waiting for a Certifier, TBTs should be completed and should take no longer than 8 hours.

  • Therefore, Call Certs+TBTs should take no more than 2 days.

  • If an agent has not completed Call Certs + TBTs after 3 days, a documented coaching should be delivered setting the expectation that:

    1. Should the agent not complete within one more business day, a written CAP will be delivered.

    2. If not completed after one more business day, a Final CAP will be delivered.

    3. If not completed after one more business day, the agent may be termed.

Cert Coordinator Responsibilities

  1. Verify each agent’s post-training equipment status. Notate and work with IT on resolving issues ASAP.

  2. Review Agent Call Cert Expectations.

  3. Day one is dedicated to training on systems and scripting to ensure each agent is ready to proceed with Call Certs.

  4. The first half of day two will be dedicated to Role Plays/Call Shadowing to ensure each agent is ready to proceed with Call Certs.

  5. Meet with the Certifiers for a 15 min touch base each morning.

  6. Connect Certifiers with agents who do not have equipment issues to complete their Call Certs.

  7. The Cert Coordinator will upload the scorecard by Clicking Here.

  8. The Cert Coordinator is responsible to ensure agents report their daily progress.

    • Access the “ESP Agent Progress Report” found in the cXp Leadership Drive.

    • Set the expectation that it is mandatory for each agent to self-report their progress before logging off each evening and that if an agent does not have access to the shared sheet that they must report their progress via email to the Cert Coordinator.

  9. The agent progress report as well as the direct emails from agents should be updated in the ESP tracker. Notes should be in the following format: Date - Name - Note.

  10. Send an end of day Call Cert report to the Ops Leadership Distro each evening.

Call Certifier Responsibilities

  • Arrive on time in the Go To Training room each morning.

  • Meet with the Cert Coordinator at the beginning of each day, to get direction for the day.

  • Certifiers should follow the process outlined in the Agent Call Cert Expectations.

  • During the first call, the Certifier will provide real-time coaching. This call will automatically receive a score of 100. Agents should take advantage of the opportunity to practice and ask questions to be prepared for the remaining four calls.

  • During the remaining calls, the Certifier will not provide real-time coaching and instead, will only roleplay as the customer while taking notes and scoring the call.

  • The Certifier will use the Aetna Excel QA Scorecard (below) to grade the calls and is expected to be fair and consistent.

Note - Certifiers will need to click the download button in the upper-right corner to use the spreadsheet for scoring:

  • Below is the QA Definitions Guide:


  • Share the Scorecard scores with agents after the call so they can see how they were graded.

  • The agent must receive a score of at least 85 to pass the call.

  • Certifiers should coach the agent after each call on what they did well, what they were marked down for, and anything that will help prepare the agent to be successful in their role.

  • Certifiers should provide at least some positive feedback to avoid scenarios of providing only negative feedback.

  • The Certifier should complete all 5 calls on the same spreadsheet and save in the following format: AgentLastName_AgentFirstName_[Pass Rate]

    • 100% = 5/5 calls passed

    • 80% = 4/5 calls passed

    • 60% or less = no more than 3 calls passed which means the agent has failed the call certification program.

      See screenshot example below:


  • The Certifier should IMMEDIATELY submit the Scorecard via email to the Cert Coordinator after each agent has completed.

Technical Issues - Troubleshooting

  • If you cannot login to CTI or if you receive the “20 error” on Zoiper, reboot your computer.

  • If there is ‘yes/no’ dropdown that is not displaying options, disposition the call, log out of CTI and log back in.

  • If the CTI screen freezes, you must do a hard restart on your computer.

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